Who is an Esthetician and What do they do?

Who is an Esthetician

It is possible you have heard about the noble esthetics profession that has been helping women and men alike look their best both inside and outside such that one of the many things that Estheticians do other than helping people get their best skin is to help them repair confidence while still gaining respect from their peers as well as from family.

If you are wondering what Estheticians do, it is my job to help you understand that so that you can also answer the questions when you are turned to.

Who is an Esthetician?

An Esthetician is a skincare professional who has completed some form of formal or informal training on how the skin works so that they can ensure the health and beauty of the skin.

Not only do they understand how the skin works, but they also understand the impact that various modalities, such as peels, microdermabrasion, and even diet can have on the skin.

In the most basic form, Dermatology varies from Esthetics due to education path and licensing. Whatever the case might be, if you ever have a skincare condition, make sure that your professional understands what they are doing and it’s much easier to see if they can achieve results by checking out their portfolio. To be candid, The Skin Games serves as a global portfolio for lots of estheticians who have used our platform to highlight what they do best.

What does an Esthetician do?

An Esthetician performs treatments, modalities and procedures that helps to correct or maintain the health of the skin. There is always a limit to what procedures an Estie can perform, and it’s often dictated by a mix of licensing, state regulations and an Estie’s choice.

Whatever the case might be, when you are visiting an Estie for the very first time, you need to take note of their certifications and explain everything you know about your skin. Most Estheticians are good listeners and will love to have good background information about your health condition as well as know about any allergies or reactions you might be aware of.

If you are every in doubt of any procedure or product, ask your Estie, they will explain to you the reason they chose a particular treatment. As Estheticians are in the business of helping you become your best self, they do have a big understanding of not just how the skin works but also how different variables like skin sensitivity, products and health history can affect how your skin responds to certain treatments.

At this point, I feel confident that you have a particularly good understanding of who an Estie is and what they do. Should someone ask you these questions in the future, don’t be shy to enlighten them.

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