Candace Holyfield and Her Work in the Beauty/Spa Industry

When I first met Candace Holyfield through The Skin Games, I immediately recognized her passion and dedication to uplifting others. Jennifer Rosenblum, TSG founder, had originally connected with Candace and saw her natural ability to inspire, asking her to serve as a judge for our Compassion category focused on charity work.

Candace was a perfect fit given her extensive work supporting undeserved communities in Africa. Two years ago, TSG honored Candace’s widespread mentorship and positive influence throughout the beauty industry by awarding her our Mentor of the Year award. Her guidance had transformed countless lives, proven through consistently helping struggling businesses hit significant milestones like six figures and even their first million dollars in revenue.

It was during our introduction that I learned about Candace’s groundbreaking docuseries, Spa Tank, which provided entrepreneurs an unprecedented chance to pitch investors and change their destinies. Enthralled by the mission, and seeing how well it paralleled with TSG, I asked Candace if we could collaborate by hosting Spa Tank at The Skin Games for the 2023-2024 competition year. Both The Skin Games and Spa Tank offer a platform for beauty professionals to be seen and recognized for their drive, heart, talent and innovation, regardless of background or resources. True opportunities like that in everyday life are far and few between.

The integration of Spa Tank for our 2023 live event was truly magical. The live pitches were raw, inspirational and life-changing for all who witnessed them. I am incredibly proud of what we accomplished through our partnership so far.

Now, Candace and TSG are excited to offer more opportunities through Spa Tank’s return in 2025. Aspiring entrepreneurs can first pitch their concepts in Las Vegas for $500. Those selected will then get a chance at the $5,000 finals next March under Candace’s expert guidance.

“Our missions completely align – to elevate individuals through skill and vision alone,” Candace reflects. “I’m honored to continue empowering others alongside TSG.” Where this journey will lead is yet unknown, but with partners like Candace Holyfield at the helm, one thing is clear – we are poised to keep impacting lives through business for many years to come.

The Interview

Me: For people who don’t know you, can you introduce yourself?

Candace: I’m Candace Holyfield Parker widely known as the Six Figure Spa Chick Founder of the #1 marketing community for Spa Professionals Spa Boss Tribe®️ The program so far has birthed 30 spa professionals $1M in revenue each via their spa. 9x award winning spa owner, bestselling author seen in American Spa Magazine, Skin Inc, Entrepreneur magazine to name a few.

Me: Can you share your full journey, starting from what led you to the health and beauty industry, to becoming a spa owner, and then evolving into the Six Figure Spa Chick?

Candace: I was a waitress at the same restaurant for 13 years. I was turning 30 and needed a new career. I choose massage therapy in 2011 opened immediately after getting my license and made six figures my first year. The second year my entire team each made six figures in 2013. I wasn’t charging yet nor thought about being Six Figure Spa Chick. I was just sharing what I did to make my first six figures. 2015 I had the grand idea to teach spa professionals outside my spa. Two people showed up to class and one signed up for my $50 offer. I moved to Atlanta that August of 2015 and created the Instagram page Six Figure Spa Chick!! Over $5M dollars later we are here!!! #thankful

Me: What motivates you daily and keeps you driven in this highly competitive industry?

Candace: I’m motivated daily to fill in the gap for education and leadership in our industry, especially in the Black Community. I talk and meet with spa professionals weekly from around the country and most do not know business operations. It keeps me motivated to show up and help spa professionals open and operate successfully. Those that get the results are the fuel to my fire. They make my heart smile. I always say 1 work for results not money.

Me: Looking ahead, what are your long-term goals for both your personal career and your initiatives like Spa Tank?

Candace: My long-term goal is to be on TV. It can be as my personal brand or Six Figure Spa Chick. I feel like it’s really what’s going to take me over the top. I really would like some bigger brand deals as well. A true influencer while impacting the community.

Me: Everyone faces challenges on their path to success. Could you tell us about some of the trials and tribulations you’ve encountered and how you’ve overcome them?

Candace: Wow so many challenges from losing over a million dollars last year, experiencing burn out, wanting to kill myself in 2023, feeling unappreciated, just sacrificing myself for over 14 years. I got a good therapist last year and she saved my life. We went deep into why I do the things I do and how they later affect me. I’m a much better thinker, more loving and such a better wife, mom and leader due to therapy. (Oh, I got most of the million back within 9 months)

Me: Reflecting on your career, what are some of your biggest successes and which of these have brought you the most fulfillment?

Candace: My biggest success is 30 spa millionaires and counting. Receiving my humanitarian award for the work I’m doing in Africa, Winning 2023 mentor of the year, and earning my Presidential Lifetime Achievement from President Biden for the community service work I do around the country for spa professionals. Also, my kids living a life that’s trauma free.

Me: With all the responsibilities you juggle, how do you manage to balance family life with your bustling business endeavors?

Candace: I’m still trying to balance life and work. They say to whom much is given much is required. I take my life assignment seriously, so I won’t complain. I try my best to spend time with my kids, husband, show up for my friends while being a leader that’s always needed around the clock.

Me: The Skin Games community has embraced your docu-series, Spa Tank, with great enthusiasm. Can you explain how you came up with this innovative concept and what inspired you to integrate it into The Skin Games events?

Candace: I love The Skin Games for welcoming me with open arms. I’m always thinking about what’s my next big thing and I came up with Spa Tank. So far, we have awarded 3 spa owners with $20k in cash, international destination skill set classes and trademarks. This year total giveaway is predicted $10k not including 2 trademarks that will be given away in September from @thebizlawyer

Me: AS We prepare to host Spa Tank for the second year and introduce a mini–Spa Tank at the Las Vegas IECSC, what are your expectations for these events

Candace: The mission of spa tank is to equip spa professionals with winning pitch techniques to secure investors, sponsors and customers. Spa tanks also inspire others to follow their dreams.

Me: If you could leave our readers with one piece of advice or wisdom, especially those aspiring to make their mark in the spa industry, what would it be?

Candace: My biggest advice is Go BIG starting day one. I always wanted to be someone from day one of starting my business. I never knew how big I would go but I really wanted something special for myself and my family.

Me: Beyond business, what piece of life advice would you offer to our readers, something that has guided you through your own life’s journey?

Candace: Forgive yourself and allow yourself to make mistakes. Give yourself grace. I’m so hard on myself all the time. I never give myself grace and I’m just learning how to do that as a 14-year spa owner.

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