The Story Behind The Skin Games: An Interview with the Founder

The Skin Games Founder Interview Cover

The Skin Games is the first-ever competition of its kind, yet during the short time since it began, it has transformed the lives of many an esthetician—whether here in the States or abroad.

Maybe you’ve already been a Player, perhaps you’re considering being one and even still, you might not have ever heard of The Skin Games, but once you learn the story behind this groundbreaking competition, you’re sure to be impressed, inspired and moved to take some sort of action.

The Skin Games Founder with some of the sponsors from TSG2019

It’s a story about preserving and elevating the craft of skincare that estheticians are so passionate about and one that improves the lives of many people, one that actually drives the beauty industry, an industry that oftentimes does not seem to fully acknowledge or respect the work of estheticians while, at the same time, depending on them.
The Skin Games is something that we should all be proud of and feel as though we have a stake—because it was created for us, by one of us, to support us and to salute our work, our compassion and our commitment to the craft.

Even more impressive is that the woman who founded The Skin Games is an esthetician who hasn’t even been practicing for a full decade.

Even so, The Skin Games founder, Jennifer Rosenblum is revolutionizing the industry.

When she needed to promote a product line with no guidance from the manufacturer, she thought of innovative ways to directly connect estheticians and product lines.

Through The Skin Games, estheticians now have better access to product companies and the companies now have a platform to showcase their products and prove results on an international stage.

The industry, as a whole, is benefitting from this closer relationship between manufacturers and estheticians, particularly estheticians.

And, Jennifer Rosenblum is here to ensure that estheticians get the support and resources they need. She uses The Skin Games as her battlefield and has declared esthetics a solid profession that must receive the respect it has always deserved.

She’s sounded the rally cry: “Game On,” so estheticians, let’s unite and arm ourselves with our skincare ammunition that proves we are the champions of the beauty industry.

We applaud The Skin Games Founder, Jennifer Rosenblum, for all of her efforts. Read her story to learn how she continues to support us.

How long have you been an esthetician?

For seven years.

Are you still practicing?

Yes! I have a clinic in Pleasanton, CA.

Bio Peeling USA by Jennifer Rosenblum

What are the names of your businesses?

BioPeeling USA and The Skin Games.

How did you come up with the idea for The Skin Games?

I was importing some products for distribution and it was my job to promote the product line with no help from the manufacturer. I took ads in the industry magazines and took booths at the trade shows. This was super expensive and it was not working. It was hard to compete with the big budgets of the big manufacturers.

There had to be a better way to show how great my product line was.  And, during this time, I had started to realize that estheticians received very little recognition or respect. I didn’t understand that because it was clear to see that as estheticians, we are the backbones of the industry. It’s so true that the beauty industry rides upon our shoulders—we’re hardworking, yet often unnoticed.

Estheticians are truly indispensable professionals of the beauty industry, but ironically and sadly only earn $11-15 per hour on average and so many drop out of the profession within their first three years.

I believe this is primarily due to the industry’s lack of promotion, education, encouragement, and recognition of esthetics. So, I connected with other esthetician friends who felt the same way and we came together to form The Extraordinary Esthetician which was like a think tank where we thought outside of the box. And, out of that is how The Skin Games was born.

The main focus of The Skin Games was to create a platform for those who have been able to sustain themselves in the industry; we felt like they deserved to have the resources and opportunity to take their craft and careers to the next level.

Our goal was and is to allow The Skin Games to be the moment, the place for estheticians to shine from out of the dimly lit treatment rooms and empower themselves to be truly seen and heard and to let them showcase their skills, professionalism and business savvy.

Also, there are competitions for everything else: beauty, hair, makeup, etc., but nothing for skin. Well, I thought what better way to show your results, network, learn from each other and elevate our profession.

With The Skin Games, the flame of competition has now been ignited for estheticians.

What was the industry response to The Skin Games? Were people supportive or skeptical?

It was a little tough to get the ball rolling, but I was lucky to have the support of some great businesses in the industry.

Every year it gets easier because estheticians are gaining confidence and becoming much more successful in their businesses because of their participation in The Skin Games. Most of the skeptical people are people who have never participated and know little about The Skin Games.

What are your goals for The Skin Games?

I would like this platform to be used as an industry standard to showcase the results estheticians can get with professional skincare lines and modalities. I would also like to continue to grow and collaborate with other like-minded professionals.

What are you most passionate about professionally?

Creating and collaborating with professionals in our industry and to elevate our profession.

The Skin Games Founder, Jennifer Rosenblum

Anything else you feel is important to share?

I think that it is important to participate in one way or another with The Skin Games for the following reasons:

  1. Be the TOP 1% in the industry.
  2. Build a case study to show your clients and for potential job opportunities.
  3. Learn and network from your peers.
  4. Educate the consumer.
  5. Build relationships with the experts, educators, formulators and manufacturers.
  6. Raise the Bar for the esthetics profession.
  7. Receive more visibility online through SEO searches.
  8. Build confidence.
  9. Increase your income!
  10. Get out of your room and INTO THE SPOTLIGHT!

The Skin Games Founder, Jennifer Rosenblum

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